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Is running better than walking?

That might suggest that running is twice as good as walking. But when it comes to the key outcome of longevity, some studies have found running to be even more effective than that. In 2011, researchers in Taiwan asked more than 400,000 adults how much vigorous exercise (like jogging or running) and moderate exercise (like brisk walking) they did.

What is the difference between running and walking?

For many people, running is a vigorous exercise, while walking tends to be moderate in intensity. Vigorous activity is when you’re breathing fast and hard, and your heart rate has gone up a lot. You may also find it hard to say more than a few words without stopping to take a breath.

What are the health benefits of walking & running?

Walking and running are both aerobic cardiovascular, or “ cardio ” exercise. Some of the health benefits of cardio include: Cardiovascular exercise is also good for your mental health. One study found that just 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise three times a week reduces anxiety and depression. It can also improve your mood and self-esteem.

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